
Saturday, 14 March 2015

Rooms 22 & 23 being blessed

Koro Don explaining to the students from Rooms 22 & 23 about what he will do during the blessing

Te Papa Visit

Trying to figure out where all the plates go

It's getting hot in here!

Room 10 and their awesome educator Khali
God of Earthquakes - RÅ«amoko

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Making planets and Te Papa stuff.

Girls working hard doing paper mache.

These groups are making planes, octopus and planet earth.

Thinking hard about the next step.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Learning Journey walk

On Friday we all walked up to Coastlands and then down either side of the Wharemauku Stream to Weka Park. We had gloves and plastic bags to collect rubbish as we went. Check out the final photo of the bags of rubbish. Thanks to the enthusiastic parents who also participated. 

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Building bridges with room 22

Ruby and Emily planning their bridge.

The boys getting stuck into their construction.

The girls thinking long and hard about their design.

Owen and Blake preparing their pieces.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Surprise visitor

Students loving listening to Principal Farrelly read a story.

Team Kapa Haka

Students focussed and ready for action.
Mr T.V. weaving his Kapa Haka magic.

Life Education: Learning from Harold.

Felix, Lily, Mia, Alex and Esther enjoying listening to Harold.

Paula trying to convince Harold to say hello to room 23.

Here's Harold.